24/7 Water Emergency Contact: 417…342…6554

New Installation:
Water Meter Set Installation and Tap…Varies by material cost. 1/1/2023 Estimate $676.24 Additional Costs & Supplies Extra
Please contact City Hall to discuss new line installations.
Utility Deposits:
Property owner – $150.00
Renter / Lessee – $300.00
The City may, at its opinion, require an additional deposit of $150.00 for any account after the 2nd disconnect of services. Additional deposits shall be paid before service is reconnected, deposits will be held until service is terminated.
Water Leaks:
Private water lines and service lines providing water to a property is the property owners responsibility. Any leak past the water meter is the property owners responsibility, the account holder is responsible for water usage incurred from a leak.
Water Rates:
Inside City Base Charge including 0-2000 Gallons….. $40.00
Outside City Base Charge including 0-2000 Gallons….. $45.00
2001-above………..Inside City $0.00225 per gallon ($2.25 per 1k)
2001-above………..Outside City $0.004 per gallon ($4.00 per 1k)
Subject to Change, Please visit the notices board.
Business Taxes:
Taxes are added to your water bill every month, these taxes are collected for the State of Missouri. Tax rates can change every three months.
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources Primacy Fee:
The Missouri Primacy Fee is a user fee paid by the customers of Missouri’s community public water supply systems and provides support for the department’s efforts to ensure Missourians are provided water that is safe to drink. The annual fee is based on the size of the connection.
City of Seligman water customers will see a one time charge this year of $5.28 for 5/8” – 1” meters, and $21.00 for >1” – 2” meters.
For more information on the Missouri Primacy Fee, please visit the link below, or stop by City Hall: