Building Permit

Planning to build?………Here is what you need to start, and please don’t hesitate to contact the Zoning Administrator with any questions.

1. What is the current zoning of the parcel in question? See Zoning Maps
2. Completed Application
3. $75.00 Filing fee
4. Parcel Number of the property
5. Site plan showing the building location on the parcel (Can be hand drawn)
6. Building plan with dimensions (Foundation and roof pitch details)

Common Questions:

Can I have a tiny home?
No, the City has a minimum 800 sq. ft. requirement, most tiny homes are 400 sq. ft, further the width cannot be less than 40% of the length, and the length cannot be less than 40% of the width.

How old can a manufactured home be in order to move into the City:
Two answers:
1. Less than 10 years old where allowed.
2. R-1 when replacing a unit, must be less than 5 years old, a double wide and have a 4/12 pitch.

Can I have farm animals on my property? (Not so much Building related, but usually asked at the time)
The City restricts all animals inside the City, Ducks and Chickens (hens only) are allowed in residential zones, six per acre maximum, and there are additional rules to follow.
Cows, Horses, sheep and goats are allowed only in A-G zoned properties, again further restrictions apply. (Minimum 3 acres required)
Swine is prohibited (farm or pet)

How long is the process?
Once the paperwork is provided to us and the area is ready to be inspected, typically 3-5 business days for approval.